4.0.0 net.sourceforge fastpng Fast Java PNG Decoder 1.0 Fast Java PNG Decoder originally written by Matthias Mann for the TWL GUI System http://twl.l33tlabs.org/. Now available as a separate project too. Opposite to the Standard java ImageIO this lib is optimized for performance as well as for easy of use. You can request different formats from the png decoder that can directly be used as the source for textures, for instance for use with opengl. scm:svn:https://fastpng.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/fastpng/tags/fastpng-1.0 scm:svn:https://fastpng.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/fastpng/tags/fastpng-1.0 scm:svn:http://fastpng.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/fastpng/tags/fastpng-1.0 maven-compiler-plugin 1.5 1.5 nifty-maven-repo.sourceforge.net scp://web.sourceforge.net/home/groups/n/ni/nifty-gui/htdocs/nifty-maven-repo nifty.sourceforge.net scp://web.sourceforge.net/home/groups/n/ni/nifty-gui/htdocs/nifty-style-black